Freitag, 21. August 2009

★ in high spirits ★

Kaoru is in high spirits !

I smile all the day long because auf jills blue roses.
I constantly look on the pictures at the offical homepage.
They are so love! Maya! U-Z! Kachi! SHOW! *Q*

*running around like a idiot*
*big smile*

Kachi, Maya, U-Z

A friend (Jiggi) was at the concert on 18.08.2009 *jealous*
She meat Maya and the others backsage because of Isshi's message.
Next Jiggi will write a concert review for us. You can read it on the offical jills blue roses support on myspace!
Please support us!
Today I will work on the offical jills blue roses support and kagrra_fans_Ger myspace sites ^.^v
My Pc works and the Internet too!
Sorry Isshi and the others that has taken so long. v.v

Kaoru is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Montag, 17. August 2009

I am a ...

My weekend was ver good. I was by my good friend Isshi, she is so cute.
On Friday my friend Sugi take me by car and togther we drive to Kiel.
There we go with Isshi shopping for dinner. I can't cook >___<
But the others ^___^

On Saturday we meet Izumi, Kitty, Ruki and some other friends at the Kiai. There weren't so much because of another event. But we had very much fun. Unfortunately we don't take any photos.
At this day I don't eat very much... I don't know why.
I am sorry Sato because I came to late. I don't want to hurt you.

On Sunday we go to Takashi Sensei! He is so cool and pur love! I like his way to play guitar and to have fun. Maybe he can teach me some guitar or bass. *smile*
Togther we made japanese meal *Q* It was very good!
While the rice was cooked, we had played baseball. That was fun! I have often hit the ball. Yeha! XD

Sorry for my bad english today. >____<
Hope next entry will be better.


Freitag, 7. August 2009

Es ist zu warm!

Habt ihr bei euch auch diese unertäglich Hitze?
Es ist wirklich schlimm, wenn man den ganzen Tag im Büro sitzt und draußen die Straße schon brennt. Natürlich ist das nur eine Metapha, so fühlt es sich gerade für mich an.
Von der Wärme bekomme ich auch Kopfschmerzen und mein Durst lässt sich auf nicht wirklich stillen. Wasser bitte!

Lovely, wie Miyavi und Melody ihre Tochter immer nennen, ist wirklich sehr sehr süß. Leider habe ich wie die meisten nur ihre kleine süße Hand und einen Teil ihreres Oberkörpers gesehen.
Ich würde mich sehr über weiter Bilder freuen von der kleinen Melody/Miyavi - Family sehen.
Ihr habt mein Segen. *smile*

Übers Wochenende werde ich mein Zimmer aufräumen, eine gute Freundin besuchen und weiter an Final Fantasy X2 arbeiten, sowie einen Kuchen für meine Eltern backen.

Heute werde ich mir noch ein oder zwei Ohrlöcher stechen lassen, mal sehen ob mein Kumpel Zeit hat. Er muss! *laugh*

Ich wünsche EUCH ein schönes Wochenende!

yours Kaoru

Sonntag, 2. August 2009

why I am crying?

In the last weeks I hurt so many people because of my stupid words. Sometime I will lose my voice to say nothing but in real I don't want to lose it because I like to sing for myself - it's funny.
I am sorry taht I hurt you. gomen nasai v.v

At the moment my stomach hurts, I don't know why.
Today I watch many PVs from X-Japan. I cryed... I am sorry.

Friday and Saturday I was by Isshi-chan. She is cut but sometimes very strenuou. I like her very much. We started the offical Jills Blue Roses Support at myspace. Visit us!
Time by time we will write more at the site.

Dear Tora of Alice Nine! I am sorry if I hurt you with anywords. I don't know what japanese people think. We are think different from you. So, please don't be angry.
I know you don't read that. Bit I want to write it.

@ Minh: I wish you a good time. you will look sexy in your outfit ;)
I don't want to lose you.

Have a good night everyone