Kaoru is in high spirits !
I smile all the day long because auf jills blue roses.
I constantly look on the pictures at the offical homepage.
They are so love! Maya! U-Z! Kachi! SHOW! *Q*
*running around like a idiot*
*big smile*
Kachi, Maya, U-Z
A friend (Jiggi) was at the concert on 18.08.2009 *jealous*
She meat Maya and the others backsage because of Isshi's message.
Next Jiggi will write a concert review for us. You can read it on the offical jills blue roses support on myspace!
Please support us!
Today I will work on the offical jills blue roses support and kagrra_fans_Ger myspace sites ^.^v
My Pc works and the Internet too!
Sorry Isshi and the others that has taken so long. v.v
Kaoru is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
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